Monday, June 11, 2012

Kiss Me Kate & Olympic Site Tour

Today everyone met for the morning classes and we watched the film Kiss Me Kate. I actually really enjoyed this movie and learned a lot about Shakespeare’s themes and motifs throughout his plays just by watching it. Kiss Me Kate is loosely based off William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. Like Shakespeare in Love, it is a storyline within another storyline.  The main plot of the story is that there is a man who is trying to make his ex-wife fall back in love with him, by “taming” her. They are also both actors in the play Taming of the Shrew itself, with the same plot occurring in the play as it does in the real world. I loved the film.

Right after the film, we got lunch on campus then headed to the train station for a long ride over to East London where we had an Olympic site tour. The tour itself wasn’t what I was expecting. I felt like we could have gotten the same information off a Google search. But I was glad to say that I got to see something that is so remarkable in history. My favorite aspect of the tour was when the tour guide explained how the site itself is incredible energy efficient and “green.” The way that the Olympic council decides on which of the prospective countries gets to host the Olympics is based on various reasons, such as efficiency in the community, how “green” the sites are, how many jobs the Olympic will create in the area, and how it will be utilized in the future.

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