Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sonnet 138 & Phantom of the Opera

Today in class we presented our Shakespeare sonnets. Ashley, Brittany, and I chose Sonnet 138 to analyze and prepare for the class. Sonnet 138 presents a man and and her mistress, and both of their hypocrisies. Certainly she is still very much the poet's mistress, but what is interesting is that the poet is under no illusions about her character, for example: "When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies." He accepts her lies without protest and expects nothing better of her. However, he too deceives his mistress with how young and simpleminded he presents himself to be. He is comforted knowing that the fact that he is no longer fooled by the woman's charade of fidelity to him and that she is no longer fooled by how young and simpleminded he presents himself to be.

In a relationship without affection or trust, the two lovers agree to a relationship based on mutual deception. Both agree never to voice the truth about just how much their relationship is built on unspoken truths, for example: "But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I that I am old?"

The main theme of the concluding two lines is lust, but it is treated with a satirical sense of humor. The poet is content to support the woman's lies because he is flattered that she thinks he is young when he is not because, according to what we learned about Shakespeare, he is self-conscious about his age. On the other hand, he does not challenge her pledges of faithfulness, even though she knows that he is aware of her infidelity. Neither cares enough to unveil the other's faults. Ultimately the poet and the woman remain together for their physical relationship, and because they are obviously comfortable with each other's lying.

In the evening, Ashley, her mom, Claire, and I went to dinner in Leister Square then to see The Phantom of the Opera. This was by far one of the best things I have done on this trip because this has been my favorite play ever since I could remember it. I saw in once on Broadway when I was about 14, but to me it is one of those plays I could see 30 times and never get sick of it. It was great to see it in London, where the play was first cast. It was absolutely incredible and the entire audience was teary-eyed at the end.

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